Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

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Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

Am the member of Google+ Community when i was using before google+ i was able to sign-out automatically,
but with the new changes unable to click on signout even though selecting the frame and its element.

if any one provide me the code to sign out wil be much helpful.
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Re: Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

If you are just experimenting with automation then I would suggest to stay away from Google.
It changes it's UI very often and your experimental tests are bound to fail.
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Re: Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

Ya thats ok i can understand what are you saying, but for just a while i need to login and do logout for gmail, as part of my code, then what is the solution.

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Re: Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

I just tried in Selenium IDE and it worked for me -

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Re: Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

This id [id=gb_71] is not constant you cannot do this again. I too did like this earlier but for the second time when u run this script it encounter with element not found error !!

Am i right ?
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Re: Can any body provide the code for logout from gmail plz

Yes looks so,

try using class name of td - ('gbmpala') which contains anchor for logout link