I am working upon designing an automatic client side performance tracking tool. I saw browsermob proxy alongwith selenium can be used for writing such tests. I
want to capture network traffic(timings) for localhost applications. But, I am pretty beginner with selenium, i am wondering if :-
Can BMP+Selenium be used for capturing network traffic for applications running on localhost and generate HAR files ? if not, can PhantomJS be used for it ?2) To compare HAR files generated by subsequent test run on same webpage, what can be the best tool/storage ? Can HAR Storage(built using mongoDB and pylon) be used for comparing two HAR files to see improvements or degarde in performance ?*
3) What can be the best Java/Javascript API for reading/writing HAR JSON data ? Is HARlib the best API?
4) Is there any API available which can help in generating Page Speed Report in any format (JSON/XML etc.) from any HAR file.
5) Is PhantomJS a more suitable tool/API to meet my requirements ?
6) Can I automate PhantomJS/Browser Timing Navigation API script using selenium ?
I have googled and discovered tools for performing these operations, like, HAR can be generated using BMP+Selenium/Firebug+NetExport/Chrome dev tools but I am more interested if any APIs are available for these operations ?
Overall, I want my clients can test their webapps during development phase on localhost by writing tests , generating HAR files, comparing two/some/all HAR files generated so far for the same webpage. Clients would be writing tests using my own defined API. This API may internally use selenium/BMP.