Button click action using selenuim python bindings

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Button click action using selenuim python bindings

Pavitra Hebbar
Hi all,
I have an application, which has a 'Browse' button,on click of the button it has to upload a document file(csv,.doc file etc). I recorded the same action using selenium IDE(python binding),button click is not recognized.How do I make the Browse button to get recognized?Please help me.

I used this code for browse action,when I run this code Browse button is not getting recognized.

driver.find_element_by_xpath("fileData").send_keys("<full path name of the file located>")
Please help me.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Button click action using selenuim python bindings

Hi Pavitra,

since it is not a question related to training session and on Selenium IDE I would suggest you to post future IDE questions  here-


To answer your questions. You could use "sendKeys" method to send file path to upload text box. This way you need not use browse button.
~ seleniumtests.com