Best version of Mozilla Firefox to be used for Selenium IDE 1.7.2
Hi Guys..
Could i know which version of Mozilla Firefox best suits the Selenium IDE 1.7.2
I dont know exactly which one to use to avoid unnecessary errors, as i have used many firefox versions but found different errors with every single versions. I am using Windows 7, 64 bit os and could someone suggest me regarding the same.
Re: Best version of Mozilla Firefox to be used for Selenium IDE 1.7.2
I have been using Selenium IDE 1.7.2 on Ubantu with FF 11 and have not seen any issue.
What error have you encountered with other Selenium IDE and Firefox?
Re: Best version of Mozilla Firefox to be used for Selenium IDE 1.7.2
I encountered many issues such as like,
-> Popup and frames could be handled in one one version but not in the other.
-> Some particular scripts generated from one version will run fine but the same scripts when run in the other version it wont.
-> Some version wont show any errors on taking screenshots for lengthy pages but the same scripts when running through another it will run without any issues.
->Sort of above said issues i am undergoing.